Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Microphone (139/365)


“That's called a microphone. It's a big sausage that picks up everything you say - and you're starting early.”
~ Prince Charles

TIME: 9:00 PM
PLACE: Church
SUBJECT: Microphone

Tonight was the last night of the middle school youth group for the 2009-2010 school year. It's kind of bittersweet. What started out as a feeling of obligation to help keep Cam on the straight and narrow turned in to the discovery of a passion for kids this age. In the beginning, middleschoolers were scary. In the end? They were just like the rest of us - looking for love and acceptance.

This microphone and I also learned to get along ... but it took some real effort on my part!


1 comment:

we're doomed said...

All kids want is for someone to love them, they are just like us.